In fact, I did not expect this one at all! Despite the year 2015 being a very calm year when it comes to ham radio, I can check two things off the bucket list. First was ‘win a plaque for Field Day CW’ after a flawless victory last June and now ‘Win a plaque for a real DX contest’.
Today the postwoman’s van stopped and the doorbell rang. I needed to sign off the ticket for a parcel. It was wrapped in a plastic bag covered with exotic stamps. Russia? I have no parcel in the pipeline, nothing ordered… It felt like a wooden plaque. Yeah right, in what Russian contest would I even win a plaque?
RAEM 2014! I did not know there was a plaque for best Benelux score but I seem to have won it anyhow. Booyaa! Thanks to the RAEM people and R4IT for sponsoring it. I really should do this one full time with all gear up. Planned for 2015.
PS selfie NOT intended ☺
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