Last week I sent a mail and ON6CC confirmed my QSO data matched with the busted call in the log. It’s the first time I had to file such a request. Apart from the ‘not in log’ for XR0X 2002. Yes that one will continu to haunt me and I have to bring it up again (quote from here):
I have no experiences with NIL for DXpeditions, except for XR0X in 2002 where two locals heard me work them (we were on the local VHF talking away) but I wasn’t in the online log. QSL manager N7CQQ never wanted to let me know if it was a busted call or not. “Just send your QSL card and we’ll see” he replied to my email. Yeah right, me sending greenstamps to receive my own card back kissed by his ‘Not In Log’ stamp! Or does it take Dollars to get him to check the log for a busted call? I don’t know how a QSL manager works and at what rates.
But not this time. Glad to see they updated the file on Clublog (one out of sixteen QSO with Belgium on 160).

And they have their stuff already taken care of on LotW too!

This makes for the following DXCC score as of today:

There still is some work to be done on Top Band. I guess with some dedication and spending more time there effectively chasing DX, another twenty three entities extra aren’t that hard to work. And I keep six for when I’m retired. If I ever get there 😉