
Clean logging

Yes I am a keen protagonist of clean logging! I know first hand that some people just log no matter what. Or even invent stuff so that the software would accept the contact. But to me, logging without errors is part of the game. A few months ago I discovered (and reported) that my call was on top of a Golden Log list. Not hard, with oly 458 contacts.

But now, when reading N4YDU’s report ( hello Nate! ) on the 2012 ARRL DX CW Contest, I see that once again I am one of the most accurate loggers in the contest. Or as the report calls it: “the accuracy leaders”. I like the sound of that. But this time with more than 2300 QSO in the log! Yes I am proud of it. As a CW operator, that means I can copy correctly what is sent and not just put any BS in the log. And to the DX stations: if our QSB/QRN/QRM infested contact takes a few shots, just bear with me. I’m trying to log a good QSO. Remember that especially in WAE CW when I beg for QTC  HI.

About logs: funny thing on CQ-Contest. Finally an interesting sub-thread NOT about skimmers, lesser gods using the cluster, unfairness of SO2R and other polarized pro/con BS. The original thread was about CQ shorting the deadline to five days after the contest. Fine by me. But then a sub-thread arose about stupidities in logs. I was more than happy to see the log checkers from the Big Contests sum up all the stupidities they encounter in the logs. I am not alone! They too wrestle with all the things that I’ve been talking about here:

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