Well, hardly a surpise since the thunder and lightning were predicted. After a few busy days I finally had the time ànd the right mood to get into the shack again. It was a sunny morning but around noon the clouds arrived and a while later the thunder and lightning were here. Unplug all plugs and the shack time got flushed by the pouring rain. Oh no, is it that season again? Same WX on the menu for tomorrow.
Today I received a nice certificate for SAC CW 2011. Pretty fast. Thanks also to the volunteers at SRAL for the very quick turnaround. Yesterday I got a direct QSL for one of the 30m contacts I reported last night. There is a reasonable demand for ON on 30m. And believe me: even more so in RTTY! ON5ZO’s little secret exposed 😉
I also imported all my 2012 contacts into DX4WIN. I need to answer a dozen direct cards so I need to keep track of that. I can’t think of any other HAM thing to mention. It’s what we call ‘cucumbertime’ in Dutch: only uninteresting trivia in the news because of the lack of really interesting stuff…