
ON5ZO gets gold

Actually it should read: “ON5ZO gets golden log” but that nearly doesn’t sound as important  🙂

A few weeks ago I got an email from ON6OM. Rene needed some info about ADIF log import and I was about to type the whole procedure when I remembered I had posted it somewhere on a reflector a few years ago (4 or 5?). Now what reflector and when exactly? Two vital parameters for an easy search. But I didn’t remember when and where so I launched some google queries with a few key words. It turned out to be the DX4WIN reflector, and the year was 2005. Already seven years ago, how time flies! Now on to the gold!

Google showed me another link, one pointing to an ARRL document. It was a document I never saw yet Google found my callsign in it. The PDF counted 100 pages so I did a CTRL+F on ON5ZO and there you go:

ON5ZO submits a golden log for the ARRL DX SSB contest 2010
ON5ZO submits a golden log for the ARRL DX SSB contest 2010

Finally I managed to submit a golden log! Logging accuracy is one of my points of attention. And with success, I don’t log many mistakes. I only log if I think I have it right. If not I ask for a repeat until I get it right. And if all this fails: abort mission and don’t log the contact. And shout / key a few times that “you’re not in the log“. I think with 485 QSO it’s a pretty good achievement. With 100 QSO or so, it’s only normal that the error margin is low. With 1500 QSO or more you’re bound to log a mistake. You even might log correctly what the other guy incorrectly sends.

After three years of scrutinizing contest logs, I know that there are very sloppy loggers out there that just put anything in the log. Even plain impossible calls and exchanges. So I’m pretty happy to see my call associated with ‘golden log’.

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