Wow, two weeks of intense DXing on the WARC bands. Maybe you know the feeling? Some time of the day, you’re not in the shack and suddenly you’re overwhelmed by the feeling that there is a gigantic DX opening on some band? Wherever you are, the call of the bands is so strong you just end up in the shack.
Or this phenomenon: you don’t have to go to work and can sleep as long as you like. Yet you wake up at 05.30 local time. Every normal (= non-ham) person would just turn over and snooze some more. But not me. My brain is telling me: maybe this AM will be the West Coast opening of the century on 30m? My brain is known for fooling me.
All good things come to an end. This week it is business as usual: back to work and I want to focus on that and some work around the house that needs to be done. So I lowered the tower on Monday and took down the WARC antenna to protect myself agains “obsessive DXing”. As predicted, the QSL direct for these two weeks starts coming in. Already two this week. There is still some demand for ON, especially on the WARC bands and in CW. I guess that now that 12m starts opening up again, it’ll be the place to be for all those DX’ers that haven’t witnessed a solar peak. No worries dear DXers, I’m here to cater all your ON needs 🙂