For two evenings in a row I had a lot of fun on 30m. Thursday night I needed to put a halt to the fun at around 01.00 (23.00utc). After all I had to get out of bed on Friday! But I did manage to work FT5GA on 30m. Yesterday the same story, then I quit at 23.00 utc because I was tired. During these two nights I could work USA on 30m. Not just some, but they kept coming back. Mostly very strong signals in the S9 range. Some only S4 while others were S9+20dB.Thursday night I could work into W6/W7 and logged a batch of ‘Left Coasters’. Yesterday only a handful. Still better than none of course.
In between K/VE there was XE, TI, a Russian /MM near ZS2 and a bunch of very strong LU / PY. Super! All this with my Fritzel trapped WARC rotary dipole about 16 meter high and 600W from the amp. Imagine what would happen with the tower all the way up? Then the antenna would sit 23m high. All in all I worked over 300 Americans on 30m in about 3 nights. I think that’s cool. Once again 30m proves to be my winning band. I can work it all there with this simple antenna. I never get enough of working DX on 30m.