
Software tests running parallel

Rounding up the holidays, finishing the construction projects, cleaning up the mess and get the low band antennas up again. That’s what ON5ZO does the coming weeks.

In the mean time I’ve downloaded and installed a demo of nGenLog. I haven’t done much with it but it looks OK. Will it satisfy my logging needs? More on that later.

Yesterday I had a spare PC running the Windows 7 RC installer. That went pretty smooth and on first impression I like it better than Vista. With a medium-spec AMD ‘monocore’ CPU and only 1 gig of RAM, it works reasonably fast. Heck, for this setup it runs very good. I managed to install N1MMLogger and the microHAM USB Device Router but I haven’t tested these ‘live’. Something for Fall when the days are too short to sit on the terrace… Anyway the ancient VB6 N1MM code runs on the futuristic Windows 7. I wonder how long this will still be the case.

I made some changes for the UBA Low Band contest too in the N1MM-code. There were some errors last year (remember?). I made a test build for the contest sponsor / log checker but haven’t heard from him. I think it’s working OK now. I don’t really like doing this. The code is written by REAL programmers and it’s a very complex project. On the other hand, I have learned a lot by analyzing the code. Knowledge that I have applied to my own software projects. Those have also been put ‘on hold’ for the summer.

There was a request to add the Belgian Mill Award contest (BMA) to the N1MMLogger code. I hate turning people down but I will have to this time. I think this is one silly contest with way too many parameters and categories and almost no participants. And I simply don’t have the time.

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