Managed to work K5D on 80 CW this morning. Got home this afternoon and checked 20m CW. K5D QRV with S5-S6 signal. But again: the audience didn’t read ‘Operating Split for Dummies’. So there’s always the odd caller who calls simplex. It can happen to everyone. And as if that isn’t bad enough, there are a dozen morons jumping on the case. Like when K5D came back to my call. I knew he was calling me but I wanted the confirmation so it took 3 times ‘OQ5M OQ5M PSE CFM?’. What a mess. These occasions sure bring out the cream of the crop lids.
The best part was the guy asking "DX IS KP5?". Obviously it wasn’t enough for the K5D op to ID after every QSO. Do these guys actually listen? Receive? Copy CW? These lids are probably the kind that need to bash contesting. And only make one CW QSO a year. While typing this, there is another specimen calling CQ close to K5D and being haunted by a pack of QRG cops. *sigh*