Got home, cranked up the tower to give it a shot. Only audible signal at this time (16.10 utc) is 20m SSB (S9+). Working by numbers? Oh boy… He’s working EU #4. So I patiently wait. He starts #5 and works a handful (not more!) then disappears for three minutes and suddenly pops up without giving his call and works another 3 or 4 stations then jumps to #6. By numbers? DUH!
The 2nd RX works and I’m trying to use it. The good thing is that the obnoxiously overdriven Italian now splatters on both the DX QRG as the QSX. I’m going to try CW which is the only mode I care about. Bet they won’t use the stupid number system there!
NOTE #1: Worked ‘m on 17 CW 16.32
NOTE #2: Worked ‘m on 30 CW 17.40