This morning I heard VE3DO loud on 160m by listening on the 80m dipole. Very loud (S7-S9). Too bad that cursed MFJ-998 can’t handle that dipole. Although it should. Although it did last week. My loss.
I worked some USA on 80m And I tried 40m later on. At clear daylight (2 hours past my sunrise) I worked a handful of USA and one JA. Highlight was being called by HR9/WQ7R for what I believe is a new one on 40m. My gain.
Yep, the low bands seem to be in great shape. I just wish I knew what to do to get my simple wire antenna working with that MFJ-998. There has to be a solution but I think I’ve tried everything. It’s driving me crazy and it’s all I can think of after more than 4 weeks of trying…