Soon after ordering my K3 I updated the order to add the KRX3 (second RX module). With the huge delay at first (I waited 4 months for the K3) and the KRX3 still in the R&D stage, all I needed to do was wait. Now I see that the KRX3 is shipping for orders placed in August. I wondered what happened to mine and a mail to Elecraft learned that they sent a mail half November to confirm the order. However I have not seen this mail. I do not use spam filters so I might have deleted it by accident – that’s the only reasonable explanation I can come up with.
Anyhow the order is now confirmed and I added a second 5 pole 500Hz roofing filter just like the one in the main receiver. Maybe it’ll be here for the holidays? I hope it’ll be a useful addition for my station. I have never owned a rig that had this option but everyone who uses it, tells me it’s a FB feature.