Nothing happening in the shack. I planned 7QP and NEQP but after two days of hard labour in the garden I couldn’t get myself going to crank up the tower. We finished the trimming job last night around 17.00 local. Shave 60 meters of spruce trees both sides and cut off 50 to 80 cm. After this body wrecking job and a light sunburn I watched the online DX cluster. Many spots for both QSO parties but only W-to-W spots. SFI = 68 and A = 10… Why even bother?
While the stack of unprocessed QSL cards must be growing, I found the time to digitize some contest awards I received recently. OK, I admit: I had them digitized by my nephew with my dad’s scanner. I wonder how big the box with unsorted and unseen QSL cards has grown by now. The box is waiting for me at the club’s QSL manager’s place. The little space in the club’s QSL sorting closet is way too small, even for my monthly load. Each month I get approximately half a shoe box. The list with Summer Projects is growing. Add item: "Plough your way to half a year of incoming QSL".
Left is the culprit for the tons of QSL cards. I finished second in the RRDXA Most Active Operator 20007 program. |
Holyland DX Contest 2007. |
Best RRDXA score in the IARU contest for SO HP CW. |
EU Sprint 2007. I did two out of four. A third was operated from here by Denis K7GK. My target since 2003 has been to operate all 4 sprints and be ON Country Winner as many times. Maybe next year? |