I am in a foul mood. Hence the spiced up language.
I have a pretty high "breakdown voltage" but the fuse is about to blow! I had a really hectic week at work. Last week before mid-term break so the kids were pretty anxious and restless. Too bad this energy doesn’t translate into a studying / working frenzy. It felt like kindergarten at times.
My Thursday was a killer with 14 hours ‘on the site’ where someone almost got hurt in a voltage related accident. I couldn’t help it. All is well in the end but it was a nasty situation. On the domestic level company A was supposed to call me this week to solve a problem that has been here since they installed the device 5 weeks ago. Nothing heard – problem persists.
And today craftsman B came to do a job ordered over 7 months ago for which we begged him to come several times in the past half year. He came… and left. To cut a long story short: I was so stunned I couldn’t even be angry and raise my voice. But he said he’ll return by noon which is less than 3 hours away. My problem is that the XYL isn’t here to be a soundboard for my rants and raves. That’s about to become HIS problem: I hope I will be so F* P* Off that I finally will settle this once and for all. Right now I am so hyped up that I’m a genuine Menace II Society!
The good thing about this state of mind is that it helps you to make decisions. Maybe rage isn’t a good advisor but I ordered my K3. Yes: a K3/100 kit, the transverter I/F to use the RX antennas and a 500Hz roofing filter. Read my lips: THE ORDER HAS JUST BEEN PLACED. I asked not to ship before June to stay focused on my professional duties.
To end with a brighter note: my LotW WAS standings now say "zero contacts submitted". I got a mail from the LotW help desk that they’re on the case. Nevertheless I got a true blue nice paper WAS award in the mail. Now I only need to buy a frame to display it on the wall. Good thing I can do that myself and not have to rely on some silly lame @ss bozo!