This is the first item that I launch into the blogosphere in 2008 and it might take quite some time until the next one. I’ve spent countless hours in the shack of the past 3 to 4 weeks and now it’s time to trade the operating desk for the working area again. That’s how it goes here: almost a binary operating schedule. Either plenty of shack time or nothing. So now it’s back to work with only some contests scheduled during the weekdays. Next major ON5ZO QSO Party will be end of March when it’s Easter break. In between: UBA SSB, UBA CW, ARRL DX both modes and RDXC (the link points to the UBA contest calendar). Maybe something else but that’ll be a last minute decision.
2007 was a calm year in ham radio. I quit all official hobby related duties and positions January 1st to have more time to myself in stead of working with / for other hams. I only visited the local club a couple of times for those very same reasons. In stead of traveling 40 km one way and spending my Friday evening trying to get some radio talk, I’d rather make a dozen contacts on 30m. And if it weren’t for the in/outgoing QSL…
I didn’t buy any new tools in 2007 either. Some small bits and pieces but no big toys. The plan was to buy a TenTec Omni VII by summer but in April Elecraft announced the K3. It was cheaper and seemed to be better. The K3 is a bigger hype than the Omni VII by all means. Unfortunately Elecraft had major delays in finishing the first production batch and now has a major backorder list. So I guess it’ll probably be the new power toy for 2008. Probably, maybe.
2007 was supposed to be a quiet year. I planned a "sabbatical" but somewhere halfway the RRDXA announced the Most Active Operator of the Year program. Suddenly I found myself on top of the rankings without a special effort. So I tried to maintain that position and this link points to the actual standings. Let’s hope things don’t change the coming fortnight. |
Looking back to 2007 I could say that it was a year of constantly pushing the limits of my station. I think I’ve discovered them.
Maybe Cycle 24 can boost the upper HF score? I could never have dreamed 5 years ago that I’d be making more than 2000 contacts in a 24h contest, let alone making +23k QSO a year.
I started blogging because I didn’t have much time to update my website. And because I like to tell meaningless things of course HI. It turns out I spend more time here than updating my site. So maybe it’s time to do something about that? All for now, 73.